July 24, 2024

The technical analysis for GBPUSD is moving in a weak downward trend today. The price of the British pound is trading at $1.2909, and trading appears below most of the intersections of the moving averages, with weakness appearing in the index. The MACD indicator also indicates weakness in the downside. Accordingly, we can look to buy on the rise to $1.2925, and the target could be the $1.2960 area. It is also recommended to choose the $1.2896 area as a stop loss point to control risk.
Technical analysis of GBPUSD: On the other hand
On the other hand, if the support area at $1.2896 is broken, the GBP/USD price may head towards the $1.2862 level.
Technical analysis of GBPUSD: resistance and support levels
• Second resistance: 1.2923
• First resistance: 1.2919
• Pivotal level: 1.2913
• First support: 1.2909
• Second support: 1.2903